IT recruiter zero to pro

Online course
Convenient training format
Video lessons with access forever.
Individual Work with each student of the course.
30% theory 70% of practice
10 theoretical lessons
20 practical tasks
Practical tasks in every lesson
Preparation for the interview
After the recruiter Pro course zero to pro you will be 100% Ready to interview in IT companies
Leads Amber Briggs

For 5 weeks of course and you will become a real IT recruiter. You can hire developers, conduct a qualitative interview and find the best candidates

Each company IT needs a recruiter
More than 10+ thousand vacancies in "Recruiter"
His salary is built from salary and bonuses.
Usually The bonus for closing the vacancy is 100% of the candidate salary, after going to work.
Working as a recruiter, you get a job with a flexible schedule (office/house) or 100% of the distance.Regardless of which country you are in, you can work and Build a career as a recruiter Pro.
One of the demanded professions
In 2022 all over the world.With the help of IT recruiters, companies are successfully developing
Businesses and teams.
Senior IT recruiter earns from $ 2500
Remote work and flexible schedule
Who will suit the course
The curriculum was created for people who Not have experience in IT recruiting
Personnel officers
No matter what experience was earlier gaining a profession You can engage in an interesting and useful work in the IT sphere.Every day you will meet new interesting people and comprehend the profession of HR.

You would like to get a dynamic profession in it.
U You already have experience working as a personnel specialist.
And that's great!This will be your welcome before entrance to the profession of IT recruiter.
Junior Recruter
You have experience working in personnel management in various fields, except IT.
You would like to get into a more developed sphere and transform your Profession in IT recruiter.
Languages needed for IT recruiting?
If you plan to focus on the IT company, which work with local markets and products.This is IT companies with local Products and services: e-commerce, fintech (banks and it areas), Digital Marketing, PR, EdTech and Other directions.
only the local language is enough
Types of IT companies
  • Types of IT companies
  • Outsors, outstuff, product, startup.
  • Structure in the IT company
  • Levels of professionalism in the IT sphere: Junior, Middle, Senior, Teamlead
  • IT specialists: developers and management
  • Methodology for developing software

Lesson 2
It recruiting zero to pro (1st part)
  • Features of recruiting in IT
  • Collection of requirements and vacancy formation
  • Compilation and publication of vacancies in various sources
  • Placement of vacancies
  • Search and attracting candidates
  • Life-hacks IT-RECRUATION
  • Types of development and Tech Stack
  • Programming languages ​​and frameworks
  • Front-end, Back-end, Full-Stack
  • Mobile Development
  • Data Scientist, Computer Scientist, Artificial intelligence, Data Analyst, Machine Learning
  • Game Development (iOS, Android, Web)
  • Designer Tools

Practical task No. 1, test
Lesson 3
It recruiting zero to pro (2nd part)
  • Acquaintance with Linkedin
  • Active screening / Soring candidates
  • Recruiting tools in it: direct search, Boolean Search, X-Ray Search
  • Overview of the LinkedIn, GitHub, Stackoverflow, Behance, Dristble, Stackove,, Dristble, Review Chats and community
  • Talent hunting: Headhanting

Practical task No. 2, test
Lesson 4
Building a dialogue with candidates
  • Generation and generation theory
  • Labor communication strategy (phone call or messenger?)
  • Stages of screening interview
  • The first questions to the candidate
  • Building a dialogue
  • Working with objections
  • Feedback
  • The attractiveness of the company: presentation of the company, product, team and social bonuses

Practical task, test
Lesson 5
Interview with candidates
  • The purpose of the interview.Participation of IT recruiters at all stages of interviews
  • Types and interview formats (Offline/Online)
  • Funnel of attracting candidates
  • Soft / Hard Skills Interview
  • Technical interview with the developer
  • Case interview
  • Methods Star, Parla
  • Assessment of the candidate
  • Making a decision on hiring
  • Preparation of Job Offer
  • Controlffer and its premises

Practical task, test
Lesson 6
Corporate culture in the IT company.Onboarding and Adaptation.Employee Life Cycle
  • Corporate culture: vision, mission, values ​​and goals of the company
  • The first day of the employee in the company (Onboarding)
  • Adaptation and trial period (3 months)
  • The completion of the trial and feedback
  • Setting goals and personal development plan.Goals map
  • Employee Life Cycle
  • Employee journey mapping (EJM)
  • Employee Retention (retention of employees)

Practical task, test
Lesson 7
HR PR, Brand, Marketing
  • Why is the recruiter need marketing?
  • HR marketing.Acquaintance
  • HR marketing channels.Funnel of attracting candidates
  • HR Brand employer
  • Formation and development of HR brand
  • SMM and vacancies packaging and content
  • HR brand protection
  • The value of the employer and his goal are Employee Value Propation (EVP)
  • The difference in the concepts of corporate culture, EVP and employer brand
  • Creation of a career portal
  • The influence of HR brand on recruiting processes
  • HR brand reputation, HR manager
  • A strong image of the employer

Practical task, test
Lesson 8
IT recruiter tools and process automation
  • HRMS and HRIS - what's the difference?
  • What are the systems for automation of recruiting and personnel management
  • Review of popular HRIS systems for automation and search tools
  • Plugins (extensions) for the recruiter
  • Useful Tulas and work with the calendar
  • Testing candidates: English, personal qualities, etc.
  • Overview of knowledge bases and platforms for project management
  • Neural networks for IT recruiter: ChargPT and others

Lesson 9
Personal Branding IT recruiter and career management
  • Search for work in the company or on freelance
  • Strategy for promoting yourself in the labor market.Active search for vacancies
  • Creating a sales resume
  • First interview: Preparation for a meeting with HR in IT companies

Practical task:
  • Creation of an IT recruiter resume together with the teacher
Lesson 10
Final testing
A test of 50 questions on all training modules.
Not Below 70% of the test it is important to pass to complete the training.
The course consists of 10 lessons and practical tasks
After receiving access to the platform, you start education.During training Available chat With a teacher on the platform.Continuous Consultations with Amber Briggs mentor provide an opportunity to consult on any issue. 5 Weeks of training consist of:
Onboarding on the course
Entrance to your personal account and connection to chat with members of the group
Acquaintance with the structure of the course
We will figure out how to work with lessons and practical tasks

Check list about the course of the course
IT recruiter profession
  • The profession of a recruiter in IT companies
  • The role of the recruiter
  • The role of IT recruiter in the labor market
  • What IT recruiter does.Functional
  • Soft & amp competency matrix; Hard Skills it recruiters
  • Career staircase in recruiting
  • Work in the company or on freelance
  • Specifics of the IT recruiter
  • Acquaintance with the IT recruiter dictionary

Lesson 1
You will learn
Use various tools and lifhaki it Recruiter, successfully close the vacancies.Find candidates for Job Bords, LinkedIn, instant messengers. Calculate risks when hiring.
You will understand what it is: vision, mission, goals and values Company.Study what aspects affect the involvement and retention of employees.Why is culture important feedback - Feedback .
You will understand what the difference is these concepts.
Learn Conduct a qualitatively onboarding.Learn to develop an adaptation plan and evaluate effectiveness. You will understand why the first day is so important in the company.
Collect and analyze information, make a selection effective.Follow the stages of the interview.Use interview techniques to evaluate Soft/Hard Skills, Star, Parla, case interview
You will find out what approaches to monitoring specialists are In the labor market.What is the geography of the search.What is important at the first touch and screening of candidates.How to work With landing technologies:
Boolean Search, X-Ray
You will understand how to navigate among different generations. You can build a successful dialogue from candidates and develop templates for the first touches.You can create vacancies on behalf of the company and place them.
Get to know various professions In IT and learn to distinguish them.You will understand how to allocate a candidate profile for search.You will understand the languages programming, frameworks, databases and libraries.
Get acquainted with different types of IT companies.Study The structure of the IT of the company.Understand different methodologies for the development of products / projects in the IT sphere.
Understand all the specifics of the IT sphere
Find and hire it professionals
Professionally interview
Onboarding during adaptation
Be in the center of corporate culture
Build communication with candidates
Focus on the labor market in it sphere
Understand all IT roles: developers and management
The main idea of ​​the IT recruiter course from scratch to Pro give real practical skills in recruiting, put you in the core of recruiting activities, not just To introduce, and help to remember all the specifics of the IT market and professions, develop Hard Skills, which They will help you in the search, attracting and interviewing suitable candidates.You will learn how to make a way candidates and build a dialogue with them, as well as carry out each candidate for the funnel of the selection and closure vacancies.

In addition, this course is wider than the rest, because it includes knowledge related to HR processes in the company: Onboarding, Aadaptation, Performance Review and other aspects to give You are even more understanding the full life cycle of employees in the company (Employee Life Cycle).At the end The course you will have a ready -made matrix of competencies of the IT recruiter, a developed portfolio of practical tasks, The base of theoretical knowledge and life hacks, the recruiter instrumentation, the relevant CV IT recruiter and filled LinkedIn profile, ready to search for work.

About this course
Lecturer of the course
Founder of the HR Academy of Education Professional coach
Career Coaching
Executive Coaching.Coaching of entrepreneurs, first persons and owners business
Amber Briggs
Get access now
You can try training and solve Is the profession of Recruiter Pro suitable for you or not
Having passed the lessons, you will understand whether it is worth undergoing training in HR Stat Pro
You can figure out the profession and try training On the course
For those who want and reach
How is the course
Study the module
Video lessons, class abstract, useful, materials for Downloads: Articles and links
Perform tasks
Do a practical task and send for verification teacher
You work with a mentor
After payment, you will be created a personal account on the platform in which training modules, video lessons, abstract will be posted classes,
Practical tasks and other download materials, as well as online chat with a teacher Course.
Receive personal consultations and analysis of questions from Amber in the chat.
To make it comfortable You can study in mobile application
Available for iOS and Android
After passing the course, each student shares his own an opinion on the educational platform

Sharon Kelly

(I. With a mentor)
Result.General progress: 100%; total ball: 610;

The learning process was comfortable for me.For the first time in my life I realized how It is convenient to study from home.For beginners, like me, it was important to go with a mentor.That is, In the process of practices and studying the material, it was possible to ask questions.I am sure that the tasks The most useful, but in real life have not yet had to be used.Undoubtedly, The recruiter tools will be needed if there is a plan to work in this area.Yes, quickly and intensively, As I wanted.I forced the brain to work in a compressed amount of time.I have already Recommended.I realized that not everything is so bad with my Hard skill.The lessons are compiled as competently as possible.

For me personally, as a beginner, they were all effective, I have never encountered these moments before.A worthy level of the teacher, phased Mastering the material, then the bonding of the brains with dough and practice.I will evaluate the teacher's skill here report information in an accessible form.
Claire Baker
(I. With a mentor)
Result.General progress: 100%; total ball: 610;

I liked the opportunity to listen to lectures and perform tasks in any Convenient time, so the training was not “necessary” in mode, but “I want”.I think practically All tasks will come in handy in the work, becauseIn fact, these are already actually written finished scripts, Which during work can be adjusted to different situations.I acquired Hard Skills necessary recruiter.Actually what I needed and needed.Therefore, yes:

If someone has never worked in the IT field and wants to immerse himself in IT with zero, I definitely recommend.I already have experience in IT in another position, so some The lessons, especially about the company IT or work in LinkedIn, were personally not relevant to me.But what It is precisely to recruiting, then from scratch this course will appeal to absolutely everyone!Of course, I have Hard Skills appeared for the recruiter, and the skills of writing texts have also improved (description vacancies or feedback to the candidate).I liked the practical tasks and notes in which I will peep in the future.I really liked to complete the task for writing a vacancy using Introductory data, as well as & nbsp; Boolean Search and X-Ray, becauseThey are easily easy without experience in them get confused.Tasks for writing feedback to candidates are also very useful!

Almost everything was available and understandable.The only thing I got confused in The matrix of competencies, becauseI have not heard about her before.I did not understand what needed to be evaluated competencies, for example, digital method.Therefore, perhaps, you need to describe in more detail in the task that Need to do.I did not even notice how the course of the course flew, becauseit was possible to study in any Convenient time without stress and deadlines.I liked the practical tasks, the operational connection in Chats in the event of questions and feedback.All information was presented and clear, Personally, I was very interested in:

Evelyn Cox
(I. With a mentor)
Result.General progress: 98%; total ball: 408;

The learning process was comfortable due to the fact that it was possible View recorded lessons at any time convenient for yourself.I think all practical tasks They should help in the real work of the HR manager.They give the basis for work, practical experience.This My first year is online, to be honest.I am glad and never regretted that I chose to start it HR Stat Pro.I would definitely recommend it.

I have always theoretically assumed that work in the world is comparable to work as in another universe.And the material covered only confirmed this and even more I wanted to plunge into this area.I liked in the lessons a presentation of not only theory, but Also a visual demonstration of practical examples.As well as additional explanations for read material in video lectures.Everything for me.Since I am a beginner in this area.Want Evaluate the available presentation of the material.And Amber is a very open and positive person

As I wrote above, I did not regret the chosen course.He gives very much A good base and the basis for the further opportunity to find yourself as an HR manager in IT.

Victoria Hunter
(I. With a mentor)
Result.General progress: 96%; total ball: 410;
From simple to complex, practical forces you to think and this is valuable.The course surpassed expectations, because Personal support by Viola, not a curator. & nbsp; video format is complete + workbook + test and Practical work.

I really liked the practical with the search for Linkedin and the design vacancy templates and personalized messages - I return to them in work
I She registered in Linkedin and began to create a chain of contacts already during training.Now I regularly return to working notebooks and recommendations in practical ones.

I went out on Work in the office began the way in the new profession.

Paula Rice
(I. With a mentor)
Result.General progress: 95%; total ball: 407;

In general, the learning process is built systematically and measuredly, which Allows you to gradually delve into the profession of it HR.In my opinion, the topics are located in the right The order, at first there was an acquaintance with the sphere IT, and then with the specifics of HR in it.Undoubtedly, Practical classes influenced the assimilation of the material.The tasks were loaded into the real work of HR - Practice has given a clear understanding of the main aspects of HR.And special thanks for the detailed Amber feedback is unrealistic to motivates!Yes, the course corresponded to expectations, even surpassed them Yes, I recommended this course to friends.

Firstly, the sphere of IT became clear.It turned out that in everything gradually You can figure it out.It used to seem that IT is in principle super -complicated, and is only suitable for geniuses.

The content of the lessons is very saturated, especially the first topics, methods Education is effective.The only thing would be great to make the format of online webinars to be possible It was possible to ask questions immediately, without distracting the teacher in his free time.Although we had Voice chats, which is also great!

The most effective tasks are in the topic of recruitment, where it was necessary to find those or other developers.Also with a description of the vacancy and the preparation of cold letters where you need Apply the knowledge of IT and marketing tools.In general, all tasks are effective, because You can put the acquired knowledge in practice I think that the teacher is very competent A specialist who sets out the material in an accessible form.

Yes, all training materials are complicated and logical.

I want to say that I really liked the course.It can be seen that Amber spent A lot of effort and energy to create it, which even the design of the site talks about.In all classes The explanations are clear in the case, the theory is reinforced by examples, stories from life, which is important For the assimilation of the material.Practical tasks make it possible to try yourself as real it HR, and detailed feedback from the teacher stimulates to move on, deepening your knowledge.After the course, I had pleasant impressions and most importantly, I realized that I would like to continue to develop in this area.Thank you again!

IT recruiter rates from scratch to Pro
I myself
I'm with a mentor
10 video tutorials in the recording
Access immediately after purchase
to personal account for training
The course on passing the course "Recruiter Pro from zero to Pro "
The student's course of the course "Recruiter Pro from zero to Pro "
10 video tutorials in the recording
Practical tasks and tests in each lesson with detailed feedback
Lecture notes for each lesson, which is forever will stay with you
Discount minus 20%.
Payment in 2 Stage of 50%
Certificate of individual training for mentoring On the course "Recruiter Pro zero to pro"
Personal career consultation for training plan development in it hr
Practical tasks, testing in each lesson, which the teacher controls and checks
Private chat
Lecture notes that will forever stay with you
One student per month
4 coaching sessions with a student during training on Course
Personal work with one student and continuous feedback
Preparation of the IT HR manager / Recruiter Pro
Workbook (300 pp.), Track list of passage of the course
Expanded feedback from the teacher in chat
Flexible format of training
Advice on preparing your resume with teacher
Lecture notes that will forever stay with you
Minus 30% only Three days
Flexible format of training
Personal training plan.Access to the lessons opens Every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00
10 video tutorials in the recording
What will happen after passing the course?- The beginning of the career
You will receive a certificate of training that It will help with employment
You can add it to LinkedIn, which will be Confirm your base in HR or recruiting.
Develop your resume Junior It HR manager / it Recruiter
We will help create your first summary Junior it hr manager / IT recruiter, which you can publish in various sources and you can start the search work immediately.
The best students go to interviews in Company After passing the course
We closely monitor the results and successes of our Students and the best we recommend that partner companies of our Academy.
Master the profession and you can go through an interview in company
You will also be cleansed (a) to our career center, where We We share current vacancies in the labor market for HR and recruiters.
Write your contact details and manager HR Stat Pro will call back and advise you in the near future